Meesha & Stephen

Our Love Story

Walking Down the Same Path

Back in the day when we were young Stephen and I walked down the same hallways at Morgan Park High School. Ironically, we didn’t know one another but had mutual friends in common. We had no clue what God had in store for our future.  As we continued to travel down this path we call life... We both went to Illinois University’s. He attended Western and I, Illinois State University (ISU). Stephen often visited the campus of ISU yet we still hadn’t connected. He pledged Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. (The pretty boys) and I later pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. (The pretty girls). We went to parties, picnics, Black Greek events etc. Yet... We still hadn’t met.

Stephen and I even went down the same career path!!!  We started our profession as teachers and ended up as educational leaders for the same school district.  We worked in this district for almost 20 years before we were introduced. It is our belief that nothing happens by accident. We met at our appointed time because God was preparing us for one another. One day out of the clear blue sky we were introduced at work. I was assigned to his school from central office. It was divine intervention. We instantly became very close friends. We talked on the phone for hours and discovered we had so many things in common (i.e. our love of music, travel, dining etc.) We couldn’t believe how closely we had been connected throughout our lives yet so far apart.

As time progressed, we fell in love and Stephen proposed February 8, 2020. It is a moment we’ll never forget.  At this time, it gives us immense pleasure to invite you to our wedding ceremony in Montego Bay, Jamaica, December 18, 2021.  Your presence will make this day more special as it is a day we’ve waited for our whole lives. We’ve walked a similar path separately now we can join together as one.

We have hired Destify to make your travel planning easy. Please click on the Resort Page button below for more information about pricing and booking.

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